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aichabrazil - DentisteMusulmaneLibanaise
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  • Ville: campos
  • Région: mato grosso
  • Pays: Brésil
  • Nationalité: Libanaise
  • Ethnicité: Arabe / Moyen Orient
  • Dernière visite: En ligne il y a 10 an(s)
À propos de aichabrazil:

Assalamu alaikum warahmatulahi wa barakatoh
I´m a dentist, living in brazil, from Lebanese sunni family, 34 years old, looking for a good muslim guy. I dedicated a large part of my life to my education and studies. I have 3 degrees, Dentist, Law and Psychology, and a masters in psychology, but my main profession is dentist. My religion , Islam, is very important to me, i pray 5 times a day alhamdelah,and do the other obligations, and I also have been to Hajj and Umrah 2 years ago,with my family alhamdelah.
I´m looking for a good muslim, educated, sunni, with good character, sincere and open minded. Inshalah God give the best to all of us.

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