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Nicoleylovey - Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with and be happy with him all the d
Envoyer un message à Nicoleylovey

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  • Ville: Nice
  • Région: france
  • Pays: Togo
  • Nationalité: Français
  • Ethnicité: Blanc / Caucasien
  • Dernière visite: En ligne il y a 4 an(s)
À propos de Nicoleylovey:

Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

  • Passe-temps: love, care, money, outing, looking, good , fine, runing, movies, football
  • Intérêts: love, peace, joy, happiness, life's, travailing, music's, kindness, money, childern
  • Quelles qualités recherchez vous chez un partenaire? Good heart , Nices, fine, education, loving, knowing the right thing , understanding , mind site, wisdom, in part
  • Comment définiriez-vous votre personnalité en un seul mot? loving
  • Comment définiriez-vous votre style vestimentaire en un seul mot? sweetness
  • Religion: Chrétien(ne)
  • À quelle école ou université avez-vous étudié? miltary
  • Quelles études avez-vous faites? camping
  • Quelles sont vos plus grandes qualités? shorting, runing, football, captale, camping, right thing, pulling, M P, Gun, mess
  • Etes-vous divorcé? Non
  • Etes-vous veuf(ve)? Oui je suis veuf(ve)
  • Est-ce que vous désirez vous marier? Oui, je désire me marier
  • Est-ce que vous avez des enfants?: Oui, je suis parent
  • Est-ce que vous désirez avoir des enfants?: Oui
  • Vous avez un animal de compagnie? yes, dog, cat, goat, cow, pig, brigs
  • Musique favorite: Musique francaise, Blues, Country, Hip Hop, Jazz, Pop, Rock, Techno
  • Films favoris: order
  • Livres favoris: romantic book, order
  • Voyages que vous avez faits: germany, india, dubai, south America, Spain, Asian country, order
  • Voyages que vous désirez faire: order
  • Émissions TV favorites: order
  • Mets favoris: order
  • Sports que vous pratiquez: order
  • Sports que vous regardez: order
  • Salaire annuel: 5000 à 10,000
  • Quels sont vos pires défauts? order
  • Est-ce que vous déménageriez par amour? Oui, peu importe le pays

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L'entrevue de Nicoleylovey
Que préférez-vous chez un homme ou une femme?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Qu'aimeriez-vous faire lors d'une toute première rencontre?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Si vous deviez échouer sur une île déserte, quels sont les 3 objets que vous aimeriez avoir en votre possession?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quelles sont vos plus grandes qualités?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quels sont vos pires défauts?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quel est le message le plus drôle ou le plus étrange que vous ayez reçu sur internet?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quel est le secret de votre beauté?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Qu'aimez vous comme qualité ou atout chez un homme/une femme?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Que n'aimez-vous pas chez un homme/une femme?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quel est votre plus grand rêve?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Qu'est-ce que l'amour pour vous?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Si vous étiez président/premier-ministre de votre pays, que feriez vous?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Êtes-vous fan d'une quelconque vedette de musique, cinéma ou autre?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Qu'est-ce qui est le plus important pour vous dans la vie?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quel est votre animal favori?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Si vous pouviez partir demain pour n'importe quel endroit dans le monde, où iriez-vous et pourquoi?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Que faites-vous de vos temps libres?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Si vous gagniez un million à la loterie, que feriez-vous avec vos gains?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Si on vous donnait la possibilité d'être qui vous voulez, qui choisiriez-vous et pourquoi?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Qu'est-ce que l'amitié pour vous?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Si vous pouviez peindre n'importe quel endroit ou paysage que vous avez vu, que peindriez-vous?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quelles seraient les chansons sur la trame sonore de votre vie?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Si vous étiez perdu dans le désert, qui aimeriez-vous avoir comme compagnon/compagne avec vous?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quelle est la dernière expérience que vous avez vécue qui vous a rendu plus fort(e)?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quelle est votre citation favorite?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Si vous écriviez un livre, ce serait à propos de quoi?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Préféreriez-vous être un oiseau ou un poisson, et pourquoi?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quel a été votre plus grand défi dans la vie?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quelle est la dernière expérience que vous avez vécue qui vous a fait rire?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Qu'est-ce qui est le plus important selon vous, les études ou l'expérience de vie?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Si vous pouviez retourner dans le passé, à quelle date retourneriez-vous et pourquoi?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quel est votre plus beau souvenir?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

S'il y a quoi que ce soit que vous pouviez changer dans votre vie, qu'est-ce que ce serait?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Quel titre donneriez-vous à une biographie sur votre vie?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

Qu'aimeriez-vous dire aux personnes qui visitent votre profil?
Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

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