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Nicoley79 - Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with and be happy with him all the d
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  • Ville: New york
  • Région: USA
  • Pays: Togo
  • Nationalité: Allemande
  • Ethnicité: Asiatique
  • Dernière visite: En ligne il y a 4 an(s)
À propos de Nicoley79:

Am looking for a Good and Nice Man to spind the rast of my life with
and be happy with him all the days of my life and a man that have any
understain and a man that will take Good care of me and be happy with
and a Good Man that will show me love that i need in my life and to be
happy with him in my famliy and a man that will make our home a happy
family home with a cool mani and a Good heart that is th kind of man i
need in my life

  • Passe-temps: footbill, boxing, runing , jamping

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