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M7o6u2 - Eleve
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À propos de M7o6u2:

I am looking for a good people who will love me, support me or help me in my life ❤❤🙏🙏🙏😥😥😥😰 my name is mouctar bah I am 22 years old I am African precisely Gambia 🇬🇲 serious
I am poor I have been away from my two parents since the angle of 10 years, I do a very hard job to feed myself, I take people's luggage by my head to help them transport them and this work Gives me the Badly, and it's through this work that Nourished me, so the one where the one who wants to help me can do what he can for me God bless you 🙏🙏🙏💜💜

  • Passe-temps: Serious

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