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Kris36Fr - Once upon a time...
Envoyer un message à Kris36Fr
  • Ville: Paris
  • Région: France
  • Pays: Grèce
  • Nationalité: Français
  • Ethnicité: Indien
  • Dernière visite: En ligne il y a 9 an(s)
À propos de Kris36Fr:

Hi ! I'm Kris 36 year old from Paris in France...I have a good situation and a good job in a big compagny...I'm looking for a Serious woman for a Serious relation ship... I'm a honnest person, I'm romantic, tender, generous. I Like to GO to walk in Paris by Night, in parc, in forest... I Like to have dinner in a great and romantic restaurant.. I Like to GO to week end or in vacancy Without thinking at last minute !
I hate fighting and non justice people ! For me a hard relation ship must be build on true communication, respect and sex :)

  • Passe-temps: Movies, Afterwork, Basket ball, Familly

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