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Hollandais2016 - Femmes attendant ou croyant l homme parfait,,,, L'amour arrive quand on s'y attend pas
Envoyer un message à Hollandais2016
  • Ville: Veendam
  • Région: Groningen
  • Pays: Pays-Bas
  • Nationalité: Néerlandais
  • Ethnicité: Noir / Africain
  • Dernière visite: En ligne il y a 8 an(s)
À propos de Hollandais2016:

I am maybe the one you have been looking for, because the strenght of me isn’t in how many women I am loved. But It’s in how true I can be to the ONE woman I am trying to love. I can be as active as a rabbit, and I can be as quiet as the peaceful lake. I love life, because: Life is like a photograph .. we need the negatives to be able to develop . I am the photograph.. You are the negatives. Let's film the life Let's sail away and enjoy the life Love Peace Happiness

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