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198421 - looking for an older woman than me
Envoyer un message à 198421

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  • Ville: cap haitien
  • Région: haiti
  • Pays: Haïti
  • Nationalité: Haïtien
  • Ethnicité: Noir / Africain
  • Dernière visite: En ligne il y a 5 an(s)
À propos de 198421:

I'm looking for an older woman than.
I'm a teacher at classical school but I will be waiting for a better job where I can save much money.
I'm a pleasant man, wise, cool, sensitive for woman.
become a best business man.
I like football, movie, reading, I don't like people who make other suffer, I am very sympathetic, ready to support other the way I can.

  • Passe-temps: c, h, e, k

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